Dr. Anna R. Kersting, nee Reineke
Lab Manager
Email: a.kersting@uni-muenster.de
Tel.: +492518321621
Room: 100.19

- 3/2022- present: Post-Doc in the evolutionary bioinformatics group of Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer, University of Muenster,
coordinator for DFG SPP 2349 Genomic Basis of Evolutionary Innovations - 2015-2/2022: parental leave
- 07/2015-10/2015: educational training in project management and quality management
- 5/2012 - 6/2015: Post-Doc in the group for computational cell biology of Prof, Dr. Martin Lercher, DFG funded IGRAD Plant program , Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
- 9-12/2014: Visiting Scientist in the evolutionary bioinformatics group of Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer, University of Muenster, working in the seagrass genome consortia
- 2/2012-3/2012: Visiting scientist in the group of Prof. Dr. Zander Myburg, University of Pretoria, South Africa, working in the eucalyptus genome consortia
- 5/2008-4/2012: PhD student in the evolutionary bioinformatics group of Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer, University of Muenster
- 01/2007-08/2007: Visiting Student in the group of Prof. Dr. Ron J. Ryel, Utah State University, Logan (UT),USA
- 10/2002 – 01/2008: Diploma in Biology, Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
Diploma Thesis: „Effects of UV radiation on epidermal transmittance of Populus tremuloides and Vicia faba in reation to leaf age“ in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Beyschlag (University of Bielefeld) and Prof. Dr. Ryel (Utah State University)
- D. Pinard; E. Mizrachi; C.A. Hefer; A.R. Kersting; F. Joubert; C.J. Douglas; S.D. Mansfield; A.A. Myburg
Comparative analysis of plant carbohydrate active enZymes and their role in xylogenesis
In: BMC Genomics,16, 402,2015 - Olsen, Jeanine L.; Rouzé, Pierre; Verhelst, Bram; Lin, Yao-Cheng; Bayer, Till; Collen, Jonas; Dattolo, Emanuela; Paoli, Emanuele De; Dittami, Simon; Maumus, Florian; Michel, Gurvan; Kersting, Anna R.; Lauritano, Chiara; Lohaus, Rolf; Töpel, Mats; Tonon, Thierry; Vanneste, Kevin; Amirebrahimi, Mojgan; Brakel, Janina; Boström, Christoffer; Chovatia, Mansi; Grimwood, Jane; Jenkins, Jerry W.; Jueterbock, Alexander; Mraz, Amy; Stam, Wytze T.; Tice, Hope; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Green, Pamela J.; Pearson, Gareth A.; Procaccini, Gabriele; Duarte, Carlos M.; Schmutz, Jeremy; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.; de Peer, Yves Van
The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea
In: Nature,530,pp. 331–335,2016. - Kersting, Anna R.; Mizrachi, Eshchar; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Myburg, Alexander A.
Protein domain evolution is associated with reproductive diversification and adaptive radiation in the basal rosid Eucalyptus grandis
In:New Phytologist,206(4),pp. 1328-1336,2014. - Myburg, Alexander A.; Grattapaglia, Dario; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Hellsten, Uffe; Hayes, Richard D.; Grimwood, Jane; Jenkins, Jerry; Lindquist, Erika; Tice, Hope; Bauer, Diane; Goodstein, David M.; Dubchak, Inna; Poliakov, Alexandre; Mizrachi, Eshchar; Kullan, Anand R. K.; Hussey, Steven G.; Pinard, Desre; van der Merwe, Karen; Singh, Pooja; van Jaarsveld, Ida; Silva-Junior, Orzenil B.; Togawa, Roberto C.; Pappas, Marilia R.; Faria, Danielle A.; Sansaloni, Carolina P.; Petroli, Cesar D.; Yang, Xiaohan; Ranjan, Priya; Tschaplinski, Timothy J.; Ye, Chu-Yu; Li, Ting; Sterck, Lieven; Vanneste, Kevin; Murat, Florent; Soler, Marçal; Clemente, Hélène San; Saidi, Naijib; Cassan-Wang, Hua; Dunand, Christophe; Hefer, Charles A.; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Kersting, Anna R.; Vining, Kelly; Amarasinghe, Vindhya; Ranik, Martin; Naithani, Sushma; Elser, Justin; Boyd, Alexander E.; Liston, Aaron; Spatafora, Joseph W.; Dharmwardhana, Palitha; Raja, Rajani; Sullivan, Christopher; Romanel, Elisson; Alves-Ferreira, Marcio; Külheim, Carsten; Foley, William; Carocha, Victor; Paiva, Jorge; Kudrna, David; Brommonschenkel, Sergio H.; Pasquali, Giancarlo; Byrne, Margaret; Rigault, Philippe; Tibbits, Josquin; Spokevicius, Antanas; Jones, Rebecca C.; Steane, Dorothy A.; Vaillancourt, René E.; Potts, Brad M.; Joubert, Fourie; Barry, Kerrie; Pappas, Georgios J.; Strauss, Steven H.; Jaiswal, Pankaj; Grima-Pettenati, Jacqueline; Salse, Jérôme; de Peer, Yves Van; Rokhsar, Daniel S.; Schmutz, Jeremy
The genome of Eucalyptus grandis
In: Nature,510,pp. 356–362,2014. - P. Barnes, A.R. Kersting, S.D. Flint, W.Beyschlag and R.J.Ryel
Adjustments in epidermal UV-transmittance of leaves in sun-shade transitions
In: Physiologia Plantarum, 149(2),200-213, 2013 - Kersting, Anna R.; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Moore, Andrew D.; Grath, Sonja
Dynamics and Adaptive Benefits of Protein Domain Emergence and Arrangements during Plant Genome Evolution
In: Genome Biology and Evolution,4(3),pp. 316–329,2012. - Reineke, Anna R.; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Gu, Jenny
Evolutionary divergence and limits of conserved non-coding sequence detection in plant genomes
In: Nucleic Acids Research,39(14),pp. 6029–6043,2011. - Ernst, Antonia M; Rüping, Boris; Jekat, Stephan B; Nordzieke, Steffen; Reineke, Anna R; Müller, Boje; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Prüfer, Dirk; Noll, Gundula A
The sieve element occlusion gene family in dicotyledonous plants
In: Plant Signal Behaviour,6(19), pp. 151-3, 2011. - Rüping, Boris; Ernst, Antonia M; Jekat, Stephan B; Nordzieke, Steffen; Reineke, Anna R; Müller, Boje; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Prüfer, Dirk
Molecular and phylogenetic characterization of the sieve element occlusion gene family in Fabaceae and non-Fabaceae plants
In: BMC Plant Biology ,10(219),pp. 1-14,2010.