Guidelines for mentoring of external modules:

Students must contact us at least one month before starting a project and let us know the rough idea, sent with CC to the planned supervisor and arrange a short meeting.

  • The project supervisor must be scientifically established at the level of a habilitation, if unknown to us they should please call EBB to discuss the project.
  • The project must next be described in detail, i.e., including short background, aims+objectives, methods to be used and milestones -- fill in the milestones sheet and arrange for oral meetings and final presentation dates.
  • The milestones sheet should be filled in at the start of the project and continually updated when necessary.
  • Throughout the project, externally supervised students should follow the same general guidelines for internal students, i.e.:
    • student attends weekly group seminars, Tues. 2pm, contact seminar organiser to make sure they are listed.
    • weekly formal meetings with supervisor with short notes signed by the supervisor on the milestones sheet (on paper). If need be, notes should include why milestones have not been achieved and new milestones suggested.
    • a final talk (graded) should be held within the group seminar towards the end of the module, while an introductory talk (not graded) at the beginning of the module is optional. The dates for these talks should be arranged as early as possible with seminar organiser. See presentation guidelines here.
    • students should be aware of the diverse background of the audience and present in a way that the presentation is easy to follow, not overloaded, and of scholarly benefit for the audience. For details on the audience refer to the people page and research page.
    • a final report should be handed in on the last day of the module. See guidelines on how to write here.
    • students are encouraged to hand in a draft of the presentation and the report a week before the deadline to receive feedback from their supervisor, as outlined here.
  • Final marking will be done by EBB or a senior postdoc in ebb-group with the marking of the scientific supervisor taken into account as laid out on the marking sheet. Therefore, the supervisor should send a filled-in marking sheet to EBB (optionally without the presentation section, to be aligned with EBB) who will fill in the second half of the report section. The presentation section will, upon agreement between supervisor and EBB, be filled in by supervisor/EBB or supervisor/postdoc or EBB/postdoc (depending also on availabilities). Generally we prefer the first supervisor not to grade the talk if possible.