General particulars for POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES ("Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter")

2 Postdoctoral / PhD Positions in Protein Evolution @

Subjects range from:

Data Analysis, Theory and Biophysics to Population Genomics in social Insect.

Interdisciplinary Background is required comprising, for example:
Applied Maths, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Evolutionary Molecular Ecology

The, located at the University of Münster in the Northwest of Germany, is looking for postdocs who are highly motivated to study Protein Evolution with the goal to unravel the basic principles of how complex forms of life came about and keep evolving since the dawn of days. Our lab has been very successful over the last years in unraveling many of the secrets proteins hold, including mechanisms of their modular evolution, the question how much de novo proteins resemble random proteins and the question how structure prediction of de novo proteins relates to evolutionary old proteins. Furthermore, we study the biophysical basis of how viable proteins (clusters/families) are scattered in sequence space and how de novo proteins assume biologically important roles during human evolution.

Furthermore, using social insects as a model system, we also study the interplay of adaptive and purifying selection with the rewiring of cellular network in the evolution of biological complexity in ants, termites, beetles, mole rats. We have now several openings which can be filled in late 2024

  • 1 Postdoc to study the role and mechanisms of protein evolution in the course of evolution of social complexity (DFG funded). The candidate will investigate the genomic basis of convergent slave-maker evolution in ants, a system which has already dazzled Darwin and where one species exploits the social system of their host species. Both diverged from a recent common ancestor. The three independent origins of slave-making in the nine investigated closely related species (of which we avail high-quality genomes) allows investigating specific predictions with regards to these fascinating evolutionary phenotypic changes and associating these to genomic changes. The PostDoc position will be based in Münster (Bornberg group) or Frankfurt (Feldmeyer group) and closely linked to another project (Foitzik group in Mainz and Heinze group in Regensburg) which aims at functionally testing some of the candidate genes which have already been identified or will be identified in this project. Tenure will be for 3 years.
    Related publication:

  • 1 Postdoc in the area of computational and/or theoretical molecular biophysics and/or biochemistry. This includes, for example: The analysis and construction of biological data sets to reconstruct past evolutionary events of genes, genomes and proteins; the application and design of computational methods for analyzing quantitative experimental data for characterizing molecular fitness landscapes, stochastic and/or analytic analysis of dynamic evolutionary events such as gene/transcript loss and gain or artificial populations, collaboration and help in coordinating larger research consortia related to genome and protein evolution, supervision of students and help in teaching related courses at the BSc, MSc and PhD level, including mathematical and computational methods related to evolution. Job holders are encouraged and expected to build up an own research agenda which is related to the subjects of the group by applying for funding.

    Essential qualifications are:

    • PhD in natural sciences and research experience in a biological area OR
    • PhD in computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics or bioinformatics with experience and/or desire to excel in a biological area
    • Basic skills in statistics and/or programming
    • Very good organisation skills and motivation and proven ability to carry out research independently in an international and interdisciplinary team.
    • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, oral and written fluency in English

    Interested candidates should send applications to Prof. Bornberg-Bauer as pdf attachment (max. 2 pages) detailing in order latest first: biodata, scientific career, education, specific relevant skills, list of publications, own funding, contacts of prospective referees and a short specific statement of research interest. Failure to comply with these guidelines may easily lead to the application not be considerd and not acknowledged. Bulk applications may be overlooked. All applicants are advised that all job offers become only official and effective once administration has approved.

    Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer
    Molecular Evolution and Genome Informatics,
    Institut for Evolution and Biodiversity,
    FB Biologie, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster
    Hüfferstrasse 1, D-48149 Münster, Germany

    Best qualified candidates will be endorsed for fellowship applications to which we currently have a good success rate, with 8/9 PhD and 5/8 postdoctoral applications to various funding agencies being successful.

    Candidates are encouraged to develop their own research agenda by supervising students and applying for their own funds but this is not a must.