General particulars for POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES ("Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter")

1 Postdoctoral / PhD Positions in Protein Evolution @

  • Postdoctoral researcher in Experimental Molecular Evolution.:

    We are looking for an early career researcher with a strong background in molecular biology/biochemistry, for a postdoc position funded for 2 years. Their project would involve laboratory directed evolution of putative de novo or random proteins, using techniques such as PCR mutagenesis and high throughput screening, to understand how these proteins evolve features resembling those of conserved proteins. This project is coupled with parallel ongoing projects that address the same questions using computational techniques. The project would also involve experimental collaboration with Hlouchova group ( in Charles University of Prague.
    Knowledge of next gen sequencing analysis and programming would be a bonus.

    Recent related publications from the group:

  • How antisense transcripts can evolve to encode novel proteins

  • Experimental characterization of de novo proteins and their unevolved random-sequence counterparts

  • Modeling Length Changes in De Novo Open Reading Frames during Neutral Evolution

  • High-throughput Selection of Human de novo-emerged sORFs with High Folding Potential

  • Sequence, Structure, and Functional Space of Drosophila De Novo Proteins

  • Neutral Models of De Novo Gene Emergence Suggest that Gene Evolution has a Preferred Trajectory

    Please send your applications directly to and Please keep the application concise, and provide email addresses of two referees. See for details.

    General Information on Open Positions

    Unless further specified, the specific subjects of research projects are flexible and can be tailored to the background, visions and incitement of applicants but must fall under the wider remit of our research areas which are:

    Essential qualifications are:

    • PhD in natural sciences and research experience in a biological area OR
    • PhD in computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics or bioinformatics with experience and/or desire to excel in a biological area
    • Basic skills in statistics and/or programming
    • Very good organisation skills and motivation and proven ability to carry out research independently in an international and interdisciplinary team.
    • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, oral and written fluency in English

    Interested candidates should send applications to Prof. Bornberg-Bauer as pdf attachment (max. 2 pages) detailing in order latest first: biodata, scientific career, education, specific relevant skills, list of publications, own funding, contacts of prospective referees and a short specific statement of research interest. Failure to comply with these guidelines may easily lead to the application not be considerd and not acknowledged. Bulk applications may be overlooked. All applicants are advised that all job offers become only official and effective once administration has approved.

    Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer
    Molecular Evolution and Genome Informatics,
    Institut for Evolution and Biodiversity,
    FB Biologie, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster
    Hüfferstrasse 1, D-48149 Münster, Germany

    Best qualified candidates will be endorsed for fellowship applications to which we currently have a good success rate, with 8/9 PhD and 5/8 postdoctoral applications to various funding agencies being successful.

    Candidates are encouraged to develop their own research agenda by supervising students and applying for their own funds but this is not a must.